
2020-21 Executive Committee Nominees

The following members have been nominated to sit on the executive committee for the 2020/21 year. Elections will be held on October 1, 2020.

Events Committee

Facilitating networking and educational events is a valued function of the Chamber. Members of the Events committee are responsible for negotiating, scheduling and coordinating all of the Chamber's events as well as those that the chamber is affiliated with. If you would like to schedule an event with the Chamber please contact one of the members on this committee.

Executive Committee

Current members of the Executive Committee

Finance/Admin Committee

Executive members responsible for the overall administration of the Chamber, as well as the financial well-being of the organisation.

Media/PR/Advocacy Committee

Executive members responsible for the coordination of all Media and PR activities as well as member/community advocacy activities.

Membership Committee

Our members are the life-blood of the Chamber. The Membership committee has the key function of attracting and retaining new members, as well as delivering outstanding value to existing members. If you have ideas or suggestions on how to attract new members or how we can add value to existing members, please let one of the Membership committee members know.

Not For Profit Members

List of Not For Profit members

SC Young Chamber of Commerce

Sunshine Coast Young Chamber of Commerce Members

SCYCC Management Committee

Sunshine Coast Young Chamber of Commerce Management Committee

Special Projects Committee

We have a number of special projects, such as our connection with the Ocean Street Precinct, the Inspiring Women to Work program and the Migrants Work Ready Program. Any queries relating to our Special Projects should be directed to members of this committee.